Join the Torres Strait 8 and the Our Islands Our Home team for a powerful action at Parliament House on Nov 7 calling on the Australian Government to deliver climate action in line with the science and fund adaptation measures for every island.
To bring our message to politicians, we’re going to build a replica seawall on Parliament Lawns.
We’ll gather round the seawall, hear stories from Zenadh Kes (the Torres Strait), and call on the Albanese government to hear the calls of the UN to enable Torres Strait Islanders to continue to practice culture for generations to come.
First Nations people, Pasifika folk, and allies are welcome to join, and we encourage you to bring your friends.
GUIDELINES: please no branded shirts or banners, off-message signs or group promotion - this is a Torres Strait-led event. We will have our own banners and flags to spread our message and create a great photo for the media.